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2020 - March Testimonials

Bruce Bradley – Catalan Seco Lagoon, Artigas Uruguay

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

I have fished in Brazil and Uruguay and by far the best lure has been the Mepps treble silver. Mostly have fished 'lagoons', which are sections of seasonal rivers that hold water year-round. There are limited species but the action can be great. Mostly there are predator fish with the most common being tararira. Voracious feeders and fantastic fighters, with jumping common. They have walleye-like teeth and hard mouths. Another species is cabesa a magre, a bass-like form and not as good a fighter, but still fun to catch. Mepps silver 3 is best. Mepps spinners are my go-to lure wherever I go from the Arctic to the Southern Cone.

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