Fish: Steelhead
Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Size: #3
Color: Rainbow Trout
Angler: Ted Najzer
From: Portage
Country: United States
Got this fish holding the spinner in the current in a deep hole behind the redds. This fish was super fresh. Put up a great fight. Jumped a few times out of the water and tried to take me into the logs. I think this fish is a super early summer run skam. The reason why is because the fish was super skinny and really clean looking. So I know it was not here to spawn. Unless it is a spawned out drop back hen. But if it was that why does the fish look clean and fresh? Whatever it is, it was a fun Mepps catch!
~Ted (Meppsman)
Caught at: Salt Creek
State: Indiana
Country: United States
Caught On: Monday April 20, 2009