Fish: Musky
Size: 34"
Lure: Giant Killer
Size: #5 Treble
Color: Rainbow Scale W/Black Tail
Angler: Chad Crass
From: Grafton
Country: United States
I caught two muskies this year on the same Mepps Bucktail. First musky was caught and released from Big St. Germain 40" (no pictures) in June of 09' and the one pictured was caught and released on Random Lake in August. I also had a larger musky (45"ish) spit the lure on Kentuck lake in late fall, same lure. I should just fill my tackle box with this lure. The first musky I caught was ten years ago and my 2nd and 3rd was last year, 2009 was a pretty good year for me.
Thank you Mepps
Caught at: Random Lake
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Caught On: Sunday August 9, 2009