Fish: Bass, Largemouth
Size: 2-3 Lbs 12 Inches
Lure: Comet Mino
Size: 3
Color: Silver Blade
Angler: Christpoher Franco
From: Wayne
Country: United States
I casted under a tree and he took my lure. But, this was a weird fish. I felt him hit, but, then I thought I was just stuck on a rock and so did my friend James Kelly. Then we saw him raise up and I was then able to reel her in. For a short fish he weighed a lot. I also had one that ripped that Mino straight off my line when it jumped and was in mid air. Everything loves the Comet!
Caught at: North Cove
State: New Jersey
Country: United States
Caught On: Wednesday June 8, 2011