Fish: Pike, Northern
Size: 28" 5 Lbs
Lure: Syclops
Size: #3
Color: Rainbow Trout
Angler: Mark W Emmith
From: Byfield
Country: United States
I had to travel the entire length of the lake to bring the rental boat back to the launch, so I figured I would bring the big Syclops and troll near drop-offs as I went over them. As I went off the edge of a shallow hump into 20' of water the lure got nailed. As soon as he saw the boat he made a run for it screaming my drag. He went left, right under the boat; I had to plunge the rod into the water to keep him on. After four or five of those runs I landed him. I was alone, so I could only get a picture of the fish without a human. He was fat with a girth of 10". Great way to end the weekend.
Caught at: Lake Annabessacook, Maine
State: Maine
Country: United States
Caught On: Sunday July 29, 2012