Fish: European Perch
Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Color: Gold
Angler: Peter Edwards
From: Manchester (UK)
Country: United States
I was spinning down the margins on my local canal, the Bridgewater Canal near Manchester UK, when this lovely European Perch took my gold Mepps Aglia #00. I had cut the treble off the spinner and replaced it with a single size #10 VMC barbless inline hook which is my preference because pike share the same water, and; it is a lot easier taking a single hook from down the throat of a toothy critter such as a pike. If I was to catch one than it would be to remove a treble hook from a pike's throat. Single barbless hooks are so much kinder to fish than treble hooks are.
Caught at: Bridgewater Canal, Manchester, UK
Country: United Kingdom
Caught On: Saturday June 4, 2016