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Mepps Comet TRU-V is UV Enhanced

mepps-comet-tru-v-is-uv-enhancedUltraviolet (UV) light is mostly invisible to the human eye, but according to scientific testing, quite visible to many species of fish, because fish eyes do not have the UV filters human eyes do. This is why fish prefer low light conditions - deep water or shady areas rather than bright sunlight.

Fish, as well as insects, have UV patterns to them. Those patterns include both spots and lines. Baitfish, such as shiners and shad, also reflect UV light. Therefore, fish use UV light to search out prey.

Mepps has used UV-reactive decals on its spinners since 1974. UV-reactive paints appeared on Mepps lures in 1989.

mepps-comet-tru-vMepps Comet TRU-V spinners, however, are UV-enhanced beyond Mepps traditional finishes. Every Mepps Comet TRU-V features a blade and body painted with colors that are proven fish catchers. Each blade also features a dot pattern that provides maximum contrast at any depth and under all fishing conditions. Mepps calls it TRU-V. You may not be able to see it, but the fish sure can.

Mepps web site is: To receive a current Mepps Master Catalog featuring the entire line-up of Mepps products, either visit our web site or call 800-637-7700. Mepps, 626 Center St., Antigo, WI 54409-2496.


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