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The Fishing Line Newsletter

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Please Note: We have a simple e-mail privacy policy. We will never sell, trade or share your e-mail address with anybody for any reason. Instructions for unsubscribing come with every e-mail.

“The Fishing Line” Newsletter is the official Mepps and Mister Twister® online newsletter. We will not bombard you with e-mails if you choose to subscribe. Let's face it, we're having too much fun fishing for that. We will, however, do our best to keep you up to date on what's happening around our neck of the woods.

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What are your favorite fish to catch? (Optional) Let us know.

 Arctic Char
 Arctic Grayling
 Atlantic Salmon
 Blue Catfish
 Bluegill / Sunfish / Bream
 Bowfin / Dogfish
 Brook Trout
 Brown Trout
 Channel Catfish
 Chinook (King) Salmon
 Chum (Dog) Salmon
 Coho (Silver) Salmon
 Cutthroat Trout
 Dolly Varden Trout
 Flathead (Mud) Catfish
 Humpback (Pink) Salmon
 Kokanee (Landlocked Sockeye) Salmon
 Lake Trout
 Largemouth Bass
 Northern Pike
 Ouananiche (Landlocked Atlantic) Salmon
 Rainbow Trout / Palomino Trout
 Redfish / Red Drum
 Rock Bass / Goggle-Eye
 Sea Bass
 Smallmouth Bass
 Sockeye (Red) Salmon
 Speckled (Sea) Trout / Weakfish
 Striped Bass / Rockfish
 Tiger Muskellunge
 White Bass
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